University of Salamanca every year welcomes thousands of foreign students coming from all over the world. is an authorised agent for the University of Salamanca since 2005, Diplomas and credits: Learn about the diplomas and credits awarded as part of the Spanish language program. Learn Spanish at Spain’s Oldest and most Prestigious University. Condiciones de Trabajo en Nueva Normalidad. Salamanca University, dating back to 1218, is the oldest and one of the most prestigious universities in Spain. The formal title of "University" was granted by King Alfonso X in 1254 and recognized by Pope Alexander IV in 1255. In 2011, it was awarded the Campus of International Excellence status. The prestigious university, which teaches about 30,000 students, has been dubbed the ”Oxford of Spain“ and is an … Sistema de vigilancia COVID-19 en la USAL, Cursos del Programa Interuniversitario de la Experiencia, Atención psico-social, voluntariado y cooperación, Institutos universitarios de investigación, Servicios de apoyo a la investigación (plataforma Núcleus), Agencia de Gestión de Investigación (AGI), Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados (OTRI), Acuerdos de investigación con empresas e instituciones, Las personas con Discapacidad en la vida cotidiana, Visita la exposición virtual 'Imago Universitatis' organizada por el Servicio de Actividades Culturales de la USAL, Abierto el plazo de presentación de méritos deportivos para las becas ‘Mercurialis’. The university itself dates back to 1218 making it the third oldest university in Europe. Course details: Learn about the Spanish language courses offered by Salamanca University, including dates, rates and student credits. University of Salamanca (USAL), Spain The University of Salamanca was founded in 1218 and therefore it is one of the three oldest universities in Europe, boasting a wide range of Faculties and Research Institutes in Sciences and Arts. On this website we only offer Salamanca Universitys Spanish courses; however, foreign students have the chance to study a wide range of subjects and programs. Sistema de vigilancia COVID-19 en la USAL, Cursos del Programa Interuniversitario de la Experiencia, Atención psico-social, voluntariado y cooperación, Institutos universitarios de investigación, Servicios de apoyo a la investigación (plataforma Núcleus), Agencia de Gestión de Investigación (AGI), Oficina de Transferencia de Resultados (OTRI), Acuerdos de investigación con empresas e instituciones, Las personas con Discapacidad en la vida cotidiana, Visita la exposición virtual 'Imago Universitatis' organizada por el Servicio de Actividades Culturales de la USAL, Abierto el plazo de presentación de méritos deportivos para las becas ‘Mercurialis’. Welcome to all rights reserved 2020 ©. Modelo de Adaptación de la docencia. Universidad de Salamanca. About Salamanca University: Discover Salamanca University’s intriguing history and the history of its Spanish language program. Established in 1218, Salamanca University in northwest Spain is one of the oldest institutions in Europe and the country's first higher education institute. The University of Salamanca is considered one of the most prestigious universities in the world and because of this; it became the focal point of some of the richest artistic activities in the country. Universidad de Salamanca. 15 years of experience offering Spanish Courses. is an authorised agent for the University of Salamanca with years of experience offering Spanish Courses. Useful information: Read up on a variety of useful facts related to studying Spanish in Salamanca. Protocolo COVID-19 para estudiantes Erasmus . Foreign Students. (click here for non-Spanish programs). It is the world's third oldest university still in operation and the oldest university in the Hispanic world.