Copyright © 2020 Caxton & CTP Printers and Publishers Ltd. The prices are per kWh and include all items in the electricity bill such as the distribution and energy cost, various environmental and fuel cost charges and taxes. However, it is not fair to compare this with the limited capacity supplies of other distributors, which are available somewhat more generally to low-income, low-consumption customers in townships. April 2019: R13.86. The following sections describe the details of the different tariffs and charges used in the calculator. Do you invest in shares listed on the JSE. The reality, though, is that municipalities have different population sizes and densities, and provide different services to different mixes of low, medium, and high income and usage domestic customers. This won’t apply to everyone, as not all these appliances are used in every home – this is just a trusty method to get a ball-park amount. 4 KwH x 20 days = 80 kWh per month. Industrial tariffs (less than 100 amps): Basic charge: R1 136 per month. Eskom increased its prices by 12,69% on 1 April 2015, while municipalities increase their prices on 1 July each year. . Secondly, a quick (over simplified) crash course into how a solar system works. South Africa– Blue Sky Publications (Pty) Ltd T/A TheSouthAfrican Number: 2005/028472/07. For high-consumption domestic customers using from 2,000 – 4,000 kWh per month on standard tariffs, Cape Town continues with its position as highest priced of all, followed closely by Eskom, while the City Power 60 A prepaid meter standard tariff continues to provide the lowest pricing up to 3,000 kWh per month, after which eThekwini takes the lead. Basic charges, however, have been increased. • Block 2 (51-350 kWh) will be 112c per kWh. Simply enter the amount of electricity the appliance uses (in Watts or KiloWatts) and the length of time it is used (in Hours or Minutes), then instantly see the cost. Do you invest in shares listed on the JSE. Eskom annual price increase 2020/21 On 9 March 2020, the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) approved Eskom’s allowable revenue from standard tariff customers to be 8.76% which will be implemented on 1 April 2020 for Eskom direct customers and 6.90% for municipalities which will be implemented on 1 July 2020. For limited capacity supplies, eThekwini offers a very low-cost, lifeline supply tariff (up to 150 kWh per month) to indigent customers. Alternatively you can consult. This indicates that its standard tariff, with three times the capacity of a 20 A limited-capacity prepaid tariff (such as that of Eskom), is still priced reasonably in the mid-range of the limited-capacity supply tariffs, over the range of 0 – 1,000 kWh per month. As a result of its high fixed monthly charges, the City Power 60 A and 80 A credit meter standard tariffs give the highest monthly billing for consumption up to 700 kWh and 750 kWh per month respectively, after which Cape Town rapidly assumes pole position for the highest electricity prices.