Preview and download books by Johnny Townsend, including Let the Faggots Burn: The UpStairs Lounge Fire, Mormon Underwear and many more. Stories of trans and gay Mormons balancing their spiritual and temporal lives. We must reduce spending on the military and police, and demand that the ultra-wealthy and corporations pay their fair share. Mormon mission president and his missionaries defect from the Church. Stories of Mormons struggling to conform to Church teachings. To successfully stabilize our climate, we must simultaneously address the unmet human needs that keep us distracted. Climate Crisis Threatens the Mormon Church, Mitt Romney’s secret double life – porn actor and pederast. Mormons need to start separating their religious convictions from the Republican party line. God's wives fight for supremacy amongst themselves. Do you repost maddening articles on Facebook? Homophobic and transphobic murders are committed regularly. The battle to direct legislation and policy often seems to be a fight between greed and compassion. Sex lives of Mormons. They give a full ten percent of their income to their church. A Community for Anyone Interested in Mormonism. That’s not a metaphor. Life for unconventional Mormons can sometimes be difficult and complicated. Looking for books by Johnny Townsend? But sometimes, being gay provides just the right ingredient to create saints. And much more. To Jesus and Mary, now Mormon and Married: Mazel tov. As missionaries, they can't date anyone at all, much le... What gay man hasnât fantasized about hot sex with those repressed Mormon missionaries in their white shirts and conservative ties? Fascinating Mormon tales with an unorthodox twist. HEY APOLOGISTS! But often religious doctrine and practice exacerbate rather than alleviate these problems. With almost five decades in the Mormon and ex-Mormon communities, Townsend knows its people well. Johnny Townsend. Johnny Townsend earned an MFA in fiction writing from Louisiana State University. Climate Change. by Hugo Salinas June 2007. He said I was being manipulated to believe the “Angry Swedish Girl” over Trump, who is looking out for us by abandoning the Paris Agreement, which “many people believe” is “an […], by Johnny Townsend On the surface, Mormons are generous. Essays on gun reform, universal healthcare, and climate change. Groups like Conceivable Future and Birthstrike are among several that have formed recently as more and more young people watching weather reports every day face a question most people in the U.S. have […], X-Mormon of the Year 2016: Jeremy Runnells, X-Mormon of the Year 2013: J. Seth Anderson and Michael Ferguson, X-Mormon of the Year 2010: Monica Bielanko, The Answer to Climate Denial Can Be Found in Porn.