Unfortunately they lose an important scroll from inside that is the key to deciphering the markings on the outside of the grail. It tells of 3 children on holiday in Cornwall (land of King Aruthur) who discover an ancient map which leads them on a search for Grail. The children present the grail to the British Museum and are given a check for it. Afterwards Barney is kidnapped and must be rescued. (The Dark is rising sequence) Summary: Three children on a holiday in Cornwall find an ancient manuscript which sends them on a dangerous quest for a grail that would reveal the true story of King Arthur and that entraps them in the eternal battle between the forces of the Light and the forces of the Dark. The family are visited at the Grey House by a very friendly Mr. Withers and his sister Polly, who invite them to go fishing on their yacht. The children are on a quest to track down the grail, but will they be able to find it? I must admit that when I first picked up Over Sea, Under Stone, I nearly laid it down again, so dreary and long were the opening foundational chapters. But Over Sea, Under Stone is not a mere fantasy; it is a fantasy detective thriller and quest pressed into one. If he can find all six, then he will be able to unleash the power to fight the Dark. Lewis – The Cornerstones of a Classic, A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich By Alexander Solzhenitsyn: The Art of Suffering, The Mouse and his Child By Russell Hoban: Descriptive Power, Comic Pathos, A great Supporting Cast & Adroit Dialogue, The Three Mullar-Mulgars By Walter de la Mare: Thorough Word Building, A Tumbling Plot & Authentic Provenance. If you see one missing just send me an e-mail below. For the Writer: There are a great many books that I have missed reading, The Dark is Rising series among them. It is possible he also has some psychic/clairvoyant abilities, which the Dark Painter exploits in Greenwitch. Part of a detailed Study Guide from BookRags.com. Thanks! dustjacket. Some of the characters working for the Dark initially seem to be on the side of the Light. For the sake of space, I will confine this discussion to the techniques Cooper uses to create suspense in Over Sea, Under Stone, the first book of the series. She left her career working at the London Sunday Times when she decided to move to America. . The Dark is Rising Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. But first he must track down six light signs that will be able to help him to do that. And in searching for it themselves, the Drews put their very lives in peril. This original fantasy will blow you away if you are interested in anything that resembles mysteries and fantasy all wrapped up in a totally different world set in the U.K. by Cooper!