Part of the proceeds has been donated to the South Island Wildlife Hospital.). This list does not, however, consider any hobbies, sports, etc.! Ironically, our cores are usually the only things that don’t change – a spiritual awakening causes a dissolving of values, habits and perspectives that aren’t true to our core beliefs. If you have no use for new items, you can also choose to give them away as presents. If you’re thinking of getting cash back fast, read my 19 tips to make your yard sale a roaring success and subscribe to get my checklist to make your yard sale a breeze. Considering these statements, let’s talk about transportation. Let’s go over the pros and cons. Minimalist living has huge benefits, both for your peace of mind and wallet. So what else do minimalists need to own? Even just sticking with the absolute essentials like a radio or a light, we need some kind of power to keep them running. If you’ve an old chest your favorite aunt gave you, take a photo of it. But this morning a magical thing happened: 4 t-shirts arrived in the mail. But before we dive into what it means to be a minimalist, let’s talk about what minimalism isn’t. You can shoot flies and such with little shots of salt haha. Yay! Toys. The parts of what make our college years so great are actually related to the core philosophies of minimalism. It doesn’t need to be a smart phone, and some could get away with a basic landline. Remember to congratulate and give yourself a reward that you’ll enjoy at the end of the whole process. Split up your clothing into three piles of keep, discard, and donate. Please remember, this purpose of this list is not to shame you for buying these items – if you love makeup, by all means, please continue to buy makeup! 50 Things to Do As a Family Without Technology. For work, most of us like to have at least two pairs of pants that work for all seasons. Lawn Care Items – Lawn Mower, Snow Shovel, Etc. Below are 50 powerful minimalism quotes and simplicity quotes from many different time periods, starting with people from our modern era all the way back to 563 BCE. We’ve discussed essential home items as well as the personal stuff we need. Rather, this list is to help you think outside of the box and see if there might be any other areas in your life you missed simplifying and you would like to re-assess and trim a bit more. For the ladies who prefer a skirt to pants, replace accordingly. With Spring upon us, it’s a great opportunity for you to simplify your life and declutter. Cook dinner together. That’s for rich people!”. 3-in-1 Hand-Warming Flashlight Phone Charger, How to Have a Minimalist Christmas You'll Never Forget | Practigal Blog. So, is minimalism for the rich only? SUBSCRIBE NOW & get your free Budget Success Planner, SMART Goals Planner, & Enjoy Life to the Fullest Checklist :), (This post contains affiliate links. So how does materialism and consumerism play into people’s thoughts or actions? 6 Useful Tips, How Do You Maximize Space In A Small House? Make a care package for the kids at your local Children’s Miracle Network Hospital. All that said, though, there are many things to consider about buying a car before diving in head first. Sometimes it’s really hard to stop the kids from watching tv and even apps to limit screen time can lead to more whining for when the next ‘fix’ will be available. So at this point, we’ve been able to sleep, wake up, make some food, eat it and do the dishes. It means living with things you really need. Set a date, organize and get started. In this way, you won’t get so put off by this activity. If you don’t weed out the belongings you’ve outgrown, it’s like your past is living with you all the time.