The Department of Animal Sciences offers this specialization that is intended for students seeking careers in research or technical services related to animal nutrition, growth and development, animal genetics, reproduction, animal well-being, and management. Offered in alternate years. Advanced Meat Science & Technology. Experimental design, methods of data collection and analysis, and reporting of experimental results. Mandatory Saturday field-trip. Instructor: Staff GE credit: SciEng | SE.—II. GE credit: SciEng, Wrt | SE, SL.—II. ANSC 314. Research with a faculty mentor. Animal Reproduction Management., 13 Nov 2016 published. grades for wool and mohair; steps involved in processing raw wool into finished fabric; genetic and environmental factors affecting quality characterisitics of wool and mohair; grading, evaluation and selection of fleeces for economic value; oral and written defense of judgments. (I, II, III.). ), Laboratory—6 hours; discussion—1 hour. Lecture/discussion—4 hours. All rights reserved. (2016, Nov 13 of publication). Lecture—3 hours. I, II I Majors that include courses in animal science include veterinary science, animal agribusiness, and animal biosciences technology. Hovey. Davis, CA 95616 (P/NP grading only. Credit 0 to 5. Physiological principles of reproductive processes in cattle, sheep, swine, and horses including sperm and ova production, estrus, fertilization, gestation and parturition; techniques of semen evaluation and storage, estrous synchronization, embryo transfer and pregnancy determination. Animal science graduate degree program options include a Master of Science (M.S. Management of Stocker and Feedlot Cattle. ANSC 291. Credit 1 to 4. For a list of courses in other departments or colleges taught by Animal Science Faculty, click here. Prerequisite: course 15, Nutrition 115. (Deferred grading only, pending completion of sequence.) Wool Evaluation and Grading. I, II, S )—I, II, III. Upon completion, student will write a thesis and present a public seminar describing his/her research. Equine Behavior & Training. (1-3) Credit 2. Students will carry out a research project (chosen from faculty-suggested or approved proposals) during the academic year under the guidance of a faculty member. Assistance in laboratories, discussion sections, and evaluation of student work. Basic and applied physiology of the exercising horse. Instructor: Staff Animal Sciences teach students about the processes of growth, breeding, nutrition and lactation of farm animals and pets. GE credit: SciEng | SE.—I. Domestic dog behavior from basic principles of learning to complex cognitive behaviors; interaction between learning and cognition including how these processes contribute to interactions with humans; basic genetic correlates of learning and cognition.—IV. Selected topics in an identified area of animal science. Some schools offer introductory animal science courses to students who have been accepted into degree programs, while others offer courses for continuing education or to help students update their credentials. ), Lecture—3 hours; discussion—1 hour. (IV.) ), Lecture—3 hours. Prerequisite: Concurrent registration in ANSC 108 required. Attendance at 3 one-day weekend field trips required. Prerequisite: Junior or senior classification. Hands-on experience in developing linear programs and interpreting the results. ), Lecture—2 hours; discussion—2 hours. Instructor: Dr. Jeff Savell ANSC 491. Meats. (III.) ANSC 400. (1-3) Credit 2. Prerequisite: course 1 and Biological Sciences 1A recommended. (3-0) Credit 3. Murray, Lecture—3 hours.