The National Board of Accreditation (NBA) is the major accreditation body for Engineering and Management Programs in India. It was established in 1994 by the AICTE and became autonomous in 2010. Institutions willing to seek accreditation of its programs by NBA are required to register with eNBA ( The accreditation process of NBA involves the following stages – Institute Registration; Submitting Application for NBA Accreditation; Pre-Visit Activities; Visit of NBA Evaluation Team to Applicant Institutes; Post-Visit Activities; Assessment and Decision Making Process; NBA Accreditation Parameters Since 2014, it has been a member of the Washington Accords. They need to submit their institution’s basic details with a registered email Id on the eNBA portal. The Accreditation Process is Outlined Below First & foremost step for a HEI to proceed for NBA accreditation , is to get registered by filing a form & paying registration fees. NBA Accreditation Process. The purpose of the accreditation by NBA is to promote and recognize excellence in technical education in colleges and universities - at both the undergraduate and post graduate levels. After filing the initial registration form, user gets user-id and password to fill the Complete Registration Form. Registration with eNBA is a one-time process. NBA operates on an online system of accreditation called "Accreditation Workflow Management System (AWMS), which includes institution registration. Institutions, students, employers, and the public at large all benefit from the external verification of quality provided through the NBA accreditation process. (viii)All correspondence between the educational institution and the NBA vis-à-vis accreditation process is confidential and may not be revealed to any unauthorised persons under any circumstances, except with written permission from the concerned educational institution. While the NAAC Accreditation processfocuses on grading the HEIs using the 7 Criteria and 34 Key Indicators method, the National Accreditation board primarily concentrates for certifying programme(s) and course(s) offered by the institutions. The National Board of Accreditation (NBA) was set-up in September 1994 by the AICTE to assess the qualitative competence of the programs offered by technical educational institutions from diploma level to post-graduate level in engineering and technology, management, pharmacy, architecture and related disciplines, which are approved by AICTE and the regulatory bodies. (ix) A three day onsite visit shall be a part of the accreditation process. The National Board of Accreditation (NBA) is one of the two major bodies responsible for accreditation of higher education institutions in India, along with the National …