Finally, bromine is unstabilized which means the sun will chew through it much faster than stabilized chlorine, which is also why it’s typically used for indoor pools and hot tubs. There you have it, a complete beginners guide to pool chlorine, one of the essential ingredients to a clean, clear and healthy pool. This is a more hands on approach, but it also gives you more granular (pun intended) control over your chlorine … Biguanide, which goes by brand names such Baquaisil and Soft Swim, is a peroxide-based sanitizer that comes in liquid form. Whether you choose to go with tablet, powdered or liquid chlorine, know that these come in either unstabilized and stabilized variants. For example, it doesn’t give off that infamous chlorine smell, it’s softer on your skin, and it’s actually more effective at sanitizing your pool which means smaller, less frequent top ups. Rx Clear Stabilized Granular Chlorine | One 50-Pound Bucket | Use As Bactericide, Algaecide, and Disi… While the chlorine in your pool is perfectly safe when used correctly, it does irritate your eyes, dry out your skin, and can lead to a pretty unpleasant smell when imbalanced. There’s no one-size fits all. This is a popular option for larger, commercial pools because it can be quickly added in large quantities. Chlorine Granules is the most widely-used chemical for swimming pool sanitisation, through ease of use it has gained popularity. While some consider this an alternative to chlorine, a mineral system works much slower and often relies on a small dose of chlorine to keep up the pace. Explore our download guides, Pool volume calculator and our glossary of pools, chemicals and spas. An automatic chlorinator attaches to your filter system and administers a measured amount chlorine to your pool constantly, on autopilot. It’s true that chlorine remains the cheapest and most widely used chemical when it comes to pool water sanitation, but I’d be lying if I said it was only kid on the block. Maintenance dosage: 3-5 gms per 7-8,000 gallons of water. Only registered users can write reviews. This guide will arm you with all the pool chlorine knowledge you need to keep your pool water in pristine condition, so let’s get right into it. Please read instructions on all Stabilised Chlorine Granules before use. Chlorine Granules for swimming pools, spas & hot tubs. For that reason, regular shocking with hydrogen peroxide is required to pick up the slack. To further complicate things, there are 3 different chlorine compounds you can buy that fall into the unstabilized category: You guessed it, stabilized chlorine is chlorine that has been mixed with cyanuric acid (CYA), protecting your chlorine from the sun’s ultra-violet (UV) rays which decreases the overall burn-rate of your dosage. Of course, the seasonal replacements of mineral cartridges and light applications of chlorine means that running costs work out a little more expensive than what you can expect from a chlorine-only pool. Combined chlorine is also known as chloramine.