Arizona Republican Gov. The lines are pretty arbitrary and the virus doesn't respect them.". Eine genauere Untersuchung durch eine feinere Unterteilung der Staaten, etwa in Distrikte oder Countys, gibt Aufschluss über die eigentliche Problematik, die der pauschalen Einstufung in blaue Staaten und rote Staaten zugrunde liegt. She says the governor's initial refusal to act made it more difficult to overcome resistance to stay-at-home orders from powerful local business interests. William Frey of the Brookings Institution said that demographic groups that typically vote for Democrats are increasing in Texas, Florida, and North Carolina as they increase in population. Generally, the red state mayors have said they understand that rural parts of their state may not require exactly the same restrictions as larger population centers. . In Mississippi, Reeves imposed a shelter-in-place order Tuesday for a single county but then expanded it statewide the next day. "Obviously a statewide standard would make it easier because there doesn't have to be any debate or issue," he said last weekend. There should have been no red/blue nonsense. Strongest Republican Party States In The U.S. Why is the Elephant a Symbol of the Republican Party? Here is a list of the strongest red states in the country: Alaskan voters traditionally veer Republican and have voted that way in all but one election since they first began participating in presidential elections in 1960. Ironically, stressing local flexibility is the opposite of the argument that GOP governors and legislatures have made over the past decade as they have passed an escalating series of laws to preempt or overturn liberal municipal ordinances on an array of subjects. "We feel strongly that the quickest path to recovery is a uniform response to this challenge,". All Rights Reserved. Republican-controlled Utah had the second-lowest unemployment rate in the country in August at 4.1%, and the second-lowest GDP drop, at just over 18% in the second quarter. Last week, for instance, the mayors of Dallas, Fort Worth and Arlington (the latter two Republicans), joined by the leaders of several local hospital systems, wrote Abbott to urge him to impose statewide restrictions. Auch im Vereinigten Königreich wird die Labour Party durch eine rote Rose symbolisiert, während die britischen Konservativen traditionell mit der Farbe Blau verbunden werden. Die Bezeichnung wurde zuerst von Kommentatoren während der laufenden Berichterstattung zu der Präsidentschaftswahl 2000 mit sehr knappem Ausgang und im Zusammenhang mit dem lange umstrittenen Wahlergebnis verwendet, wird aber inzwischen in der politischen Berichterstattung in den Vereinigten Staaten regelmäßig gebraucht. Auch lokale Wanderungsbewegungen können die Farbgebung der politischen Landschaft verändern. Die Einteilung in rote und blaue Staaten setzt sich nicht zwangsläufig bei anderen Wahlen fort. Utah has voted Republican in the last 12 election cycles and in the last 4, this has been with over 60% of the vote. North Dakota is considered a “safe” state for Republicans meaning that the party garners strong majority support during elections. Da die meisten Staaten ihre Wahlmänner für die Wahl des Präsidenten en bloc für den Sieger innerhalb des jeweiligen Staates entsenden, steht das Ergebnis in klar roten oder blauen Staaten weitgehend fest, so dass dort kaum Wahlkampf stattfindet.