O reinado de Septímio Severo teve um marcado caráter militar, refletido em numerosas medidas tomadas pelo imperador, como a substituição dos pretorianos pelos legionários da Panônia. Faced with internal dissidence and external threats, Severus felt the need to promote religious harmony by promoting syncretism. His legions sacked the Parthian royal city of Ctesiphon and he annexed the northern half of Mesopotamia to the empire,[42][43] taking the title Parthicus Maximus, following the example of Trajan. Outros 29 senadores que o apoiaram foram executados brutalmente. [67] By 203 the entire southern frontier of Roman Africa had been dramatically expanded and re-fortified. Her father, Julius Bassianus, descended from the Arab Emesan dynasty and served as a high priest to the local cult of the sun god Elagabal. Élargissez votre recherche dans Universalis. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. Find out more. Située dans une position centrale au fond du golfe des Syrtes avec un port à l'emb […] As suas relações com o senado nunca foram boas, pois tornara-se impopular entre os senadores ao demarcar o seu poder com apoio do exército. A sua mãe Fúlvia Pia descendia de uma família na que se combinavam, através de uma série de matrimônios, itálicos com habitantes do Norte da África. Victoire totale et association […] Elle fut découverte en 1643 à Rome au cours de travaux commandités par le Pape Urbanus VIII sur le Janiculum, une des collines de Rome. Augusto • He was of Libyan descent from Lepcis Magna and came from a locally prominent Punic family who had a history of rising to senatorial as well as consular status. Probo • Late in 197 Severus marched east to turn back an invasion of Mesopotamia (now in Iraq) by the Parthians, and two years later Mesopotamia was annexed to the empire. [31] While campaigning against Byzantium, he ordered that the tomb of his fellow-Carthaginian Hannibal be covered with fine marble. …pour nos abonnés, l’article se compose de 2 pages, Portrait de Septime SévèreCrédits : Bridgeman Images, Soldats de la garde prétorienneCrédits : Bridgeman Images. [62] Early church historian Eusebius described Severus as a persecutor. [21] Septimius Severus, now in his forties, childless and eager to remarry, began enquiring into the horoscopes of prospective brides. He had Italian Roman ancestry on his mother's side, and was descended from Punic forebears on his father's side. A fim de assegurar a fronteira norte do Império, Severo reforçou o Muro de Adriano. [70] Supported and supplied by a strong naval force,[71] Severus then thrust north with his army across the wall into Caledonian territory. His wife Julia Domna, a Syrian princess, was the daughter of a high priest of Baal. [46][47], According to Cassius Dio,[48] however, after 197 Severus fell heavily under the influence of his Praetorian Prefect, Gaius Fulvius Plautianus, who came to have almost total control of the imperial administration. Após uns anos de guerras civis nos quais teve de enfrentar com Pescênio Níger em Síria e a Clódio Albino na Gália, Severo conseguiu consolidar o seu poder e fundar uma dinastia que perpetuariam os seus filhos, Geta e Caracala. 194 Septime sévère bat son rival oriental, Pescennius Niger. [68] Severus probably arrived in Britain with an army over 40,000, considering some of the camps constructed during his campaign could house this number. The enemy purposely put sheep and cattle in front of the soldiers for them to seize, in order that they might be lured on still further until they were worn out; for in fact the water caused great suffering to the Romans, and when they became scattered, they would be attacked. [60], A number of persecutions of Christians occurred in the Roman Empire during his reign and are traditionally attributed to Severus by the early Christian community. Of African descent, hailing from Leptis Magna in Libya, his career had already encompassed roles from Sardinia to Syria. Dissolveu a guarda pretoriana e substituiu-a pela sua própria guarda pessoal a fim de se assegurar um total controle político e a sua própria segurança. He also named Caracalla, his son by his Syrian wife, Julia Domna, as coemperor and thus successor. His first visit to Rome was around 163 CE during the reign of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus.He was protected by his cousin Caius Septimius Severus … Tendo de enfrentar dois candidatos rivais ao trono - Níger no Oriente e Clódio Albino no Ocidente, preferiu enganar temporariamente este último associando-o ao trono, enquanto se dirigia ao Oriente para enfrentar Níger, que foi finalmente derrotado e morto em Antioquia (194), cidade do sul da Anatólia, a atual Antáquia.