Satlink announced that by 2020 its electronic monitoring software will be extensively enhanced for better fisheries control with image processing and the development of more filters in its video analysis for land-based observers. It will work to eliminate packaging that strays into the environment (particularly oceans) and actively design out packaging parts that can't be reused or recycled. Accordingly, the Alliance will release its first report on the progress of ocean and climate action during the Oceans Action Day at UNFCCC COP23. In-kind resources of EUR 250,000 (USD 300,000) have already been committed. The Yacht Club Costa Smeralda (YCCS) announced the launch of One Ocean under the high patronage of Princess Zahra Aga Khan. The program will invest in research, innovation, transfer of technology and capacity building on plankton studies related to climate change. This will facilitate footage review, including potential discarding situations. Since 2016, the Foundation is sponsoring a center for recovery of wounded marine species in the coast of Portugal with an annual grant of EUR 100,000. Sky, a major European media company, announced the launch of the Sky Ocean Rescue campaign in January 2017, aiming at raising awareness of how plastics and other pollution are affecting the oceans. Combining its proprietary-data with all other available maritime sources such AIS, VMS or MetOcean models, Airbus is building on its expertise on big data, machine learning and predictive analysis, in order to support the maritime industry to increase knowledge, anticipate threats, trigger alerts and suspicious behaviour and improve efficiency at sea. The European Union announced that it will invest EUR 1.5 million to analyse ecosystems and economic activity on the mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Rio Grande Rise, in order to support the definition of a coherent set of Areas of Particular Environmental Interest. The Werner & Mertz Group, whose packaging is already hundred per cent recyclable, announced its commitment to use hundred per cent recycled plastic in at least 70 million bottles each year as of 2017, corresponding to sixty-five per cent of its entire annual bottle volume, aiming to go up to one hundred per cent for all its consumer goods packaging by 2025. These efforts are part of its commitment to transition 100 per cent of seafood procured for its owned, leased and managed properties globally toward greater sustainability and responsibility by 2022 - including a 25% commitment to MSC- and ASC-certified sources. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) announced the launch of 7 training courses in 2018, which would teach and certify around 120 persons on topics such as fish genetics and genomics, modelling, stock assessment, communication of science and advice. Palau announced that through public-private partnership, it will open the first regional center for maritime surveillance in 2018 to address Illegal Un-reported Unregulated (IUU) fishing. Gestes Propres (founding member of the CLEAN EUROPE NETWORK), in partnership with a number of companies (Ball Packaging, Citeo, Coca-Cola European Partners, Danone Eaux, ELIPSO (plastic packaging industry organisation), Gecina Foundation, Haribo, Heineken, InterEmballage, NestlĂ© Waters, P&G, Total), France and the French Mayors Association, announced to further develop their two awareness campaigns on the impacts litter of marine litter.